Mended in Gold–The Ultimate Collection


The beauty that shines out of brokenness


The beauty that shines out of brokenness

The Mended in Gold Collection
There is a practice in Japan called Kintsugi  where broken objects are often repaired with gold.  The gold causes the cracks to stand out and shine.  The flaw is seen as a unique piece of the objects history, which adds to its beauty.
Because we live in a fallen world, and because of the effects of sin, we as humans are beautiful yet broken…I loved this analogy, though…that God can use that brokenness, filling our flaws and cracks with His love and grace, making us even more beautiful than we were before.
This collection is a series of watercolor paintings depicting portraits of people who are broken but mended in gold–almost as if the gold is a glimpse of an incredible eternal beauty that we will transform into one day because of Christ.
Each original piece has touches of metallic gold ink as  a symbol of the beauty that shines out of brokenness.
There is one original available with each of these images, and prints are also available separately in different sizes.
BUT, the entire series is also available here at more of a discount in the 4″x6″ size.
  •  Prints of artwork are printed on medium texture, cold press watercolor paper.
  • There are various size prints available for each of these images,  as well as one original.  This particular listing is for the entire set in 4″x6″ size.  
  • To see individual images and their print sizes, scroll down to the button below that says “Lemme see”
  • Prints do not come framed

See the rest of the collection here:

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