
A thousand Hallelujahs
“Who else would rocks cry out to worship
Whose glory taught the stars to shine
Perhaps creation longs to have the words to sing
But this joy is mine
With a thousand hallelujahs
We magnify Your Name
You alone deserve the glory
The honor and the praise
Lord Jesus this song is forever Yours
A thousand hallelujahs
A thousand more”
–Phil Wickham / Brooke Ligertwood / Scott Ross Ligertwood

Let the Amen Collection
For centuries, man has sought to express praise to God. From David’s songs of praises in the Psalms—even going back further to the times when the Israelites would build alters of sacrifice to God, Miriam’s song of praise and deliverance when God rescued them from Egypt—scriptures are full of men and women crying out to God in need, in lament, and in praise.
Psalm 148: 1-14 (along with countless other verses) talks about creation and everything on earth praising God…
“Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created.”
But what inspired this piece was the line in this song quoted above:
“Perhaps creation longs to have the words to say, but this joy is mine”
God created us in his image—in such a special way, even more special than the beautiful world around us—and he gave us mouths and hearts and voices and talents—to spend our lives expressing praise to him.
Even after millions of years of humans trying to express praise to God—in all his beauty and majesty and justice and grace and love—we still haven’t touched the surface.
In this piece, I decided to depict a stain glass window to symbolize how even architecture over the ages (in some cases) was one way man tried to tribute praise to God—if you walk into ancient cathedrals and admire the architecture and stained glass windows, it’s hard not to think that part of the original designs were not inspired by wanting to honor and praise God.
(In Exodus, when God was giving instructions to build the tabernacle, he called artists to create beautiful tapestries and things as part of the sacred place he would dwell. I think bringing praise to God means even more than just singing—but using whatever gifts he’s given us to praise him)
Within the stain-glass window, I created a nature scene with a sunset and trees to represent how creation sings God’s praise—but inside the window “panes” I wrote 1000 “Hallelujah’s” as a tiny sacrifice of praise from my own hands. As long as it took, it was such a worshipful experience to write the word over and over—and be reminded that the privilege of praising God is not over, but is only starting. It is a tremendous joy that I have been given a mouth and hands to express praise—things that creation doesn’t—-the rocks are limited in their expression, but God has given us mouths to sing and visions to paint (or whatever your gifting is)…that praising him and the more we praise him, the more of a pleasure and gift and privilege it is—not a burden or something to check off a list.
The word “hallelujah” is an exclamation meaning God be praised (uttered in worship or as an expression of rejoicing). May we continue praising God with our unique “hallelujah’s”…1000 and 1000 more….

There are various size prints available for this artwork, as well as one original. See the drop down menu for sizing options
Prints of artwork are printed on medium texture, cold press watercolor paper.
Both the original art and prints do not come framed